Staffing Numbers at L@bISEN


As of November 2020, L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest had a staff of 86 members including 42 permanent associate professors. Six of the latter are holders of the French university accreditation to supervise research, known as the HDR (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches).


L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest also has three associate researchers. These staff are lecturers from the Yncréa Ouest association or people who are external to the association and whose services have been made available by a company – either as part of one of the lab’s research chairs, or within the context of a joint research unit shared with a company. Two associate researchers joined us in 2020, when a joint lab in association with the firm ‘ECR Environment’ was established (the Building-Environment Research Chair).


The research support cell has ten permanent members.


L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest also relies on the following fixed-term staff:

  • 4 post-doctoral fellows
  • 19 doctoral students
  • 5 interns